Wheres the Groom Read online

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“There’s an incredible workshop coming to town next weekend,” he went on, excited. It’s called The Power of Believing in Dreams. Vince Raine runs it. Ever heard of him?”

  “Never,” Ashley shivered. She didn’t much like those kinds of things.

  “Vince Raine’s a top Self Improvement Trainer. And I mean top!”

  “Those things are too edgy for my taste,” Ashley tried to stop him. “I’m more middle of the road, Ray. I like things to happen naturally.”

  “No, really listen!” Ray leaned closer to her. “I’m going and I wouldn’t miss it, not for the world.”

  “You’re also having trouble in love?” Ashley was shocked.

  “No, not that exactly,” said Ray. “But I just found out that I’m losing my Yoga Studio in just six week.”

  Ashley was stunned.

  “That’s terrible! Why?”

  “The landlord is taking the space over. I’m desperate to find a new studio nearby or I’ll lose my students and all I’ve built up.”

  “You’ll never lose me,” Ashley murmured.

  “Thank you,” Ray put his hand on her arm more strongly. “But most people go to classes in their neighborhood. I’ve got to find something close by. And I’ve got to find it fast.”

  Ashley breathed a little more easily. Ray was based in Santa Monica, not exactly out in the hills. “That shouldn’t be so difficult,” she said.

  “But it is,” said Ray. “I’ve been checking everywhere and there’s absolutely nothing available nearby. That’s why this workshop is so important.”

  It wasn’t computing for Ashley. What was the connection between Ray finding a studio and this Self Improvement workshop which she instinctively recoiled from?

  “Vince Raine’s a Master at showing anyone how to make things happen, one two, three!” Ray proclaimed. “He’ll show you how to take charge of your life. Find just what you’re looking for.”

  Ashley had never seen Ray so excited. He was revving himself up, grabbing at something that would help him keep his world intact. She didn’t want to burst his bubble, but she really couldn’t go along with it.

  “It’s not for me, Ray,” Ashley was completely clear about it.

  “Of course it is,” said Ray. “Why not?”

  “I’m not really comfortable with those kinds of people,” said Ashley softly.

  Ray didn’t like that. “What kinds?”

  “The kinds that go to those workshops,” said Ashley, “most of the people, I mean. Not you, of course.” Ashley envisioned depressed people, stragglers, those on the edge looking for something to make their lives complete.

  “You’re rejecting people you don’t even know? Wonderful people go to the workshop!” Ray suddenly stood up. “In only one weekend you’ll learn how to get rid of this rotten run of relationships, develop a whole new perspective on love. Vince Raine will literally turn your life around.”

  Ashley didn’t want her life turned around. She just wanted a decent relationship that lasted, one that would grow. She wanted a normal guy she could be proud to bring home to her parents, not the kind who went to workshops like that. Despite herself she shrugged slightly.

  Ray caught it. “Don’t shrug it off so fast,” he said. “It’s pretty clear from what you told me that something’s really off in your love life. And these patterns only get worse. Who knows who the next guy is that you’ll be attracting? You can’t leave yourself unprotected like that. It’s definitely time for you to have a radically new approach to love!”

  “Says who?” Ashley stood up quickly, offended and terrified.

  “It’s obvious, Ashley.” She and Ray stood there eye to eye.

  Ashley felt rattled. She had never thought that something was so terribly off in her love life until now. True, plenty of her friends were engaged and married, but she’d always felt she had time and things would just happen when they did. She never expected this roll of constant rejections she was getting.

  “Think about it,” Ray insisted, his voice softening. “Believe me, if you go to the workshop, things will turn right around.”

  Ashley suddenly felt sad for him. This definitely wasn’t like the Ray she knew. He was usually so calm and even. Now his voice got louder as he went on.

  “I’ve heard definite stories of people who’ve found their soul mates right after the weekend! And to top it off, Raine’s coming right here to Santa Monica! What kind of timing is that? Pay attention! There’s a reason everything happens the way it does. It all adds up. It means something, Ashley. Destiny’s calling you.”

  Ashley took a deep breath. She liked Ray dearly and wanted the best for him, but this was a side of him she’d never seen.

  “Ray, I really hope you get the place you need,” said Ashley, “and I’ll do everything I possibly can to help. I’ll make calls for you, I’ll ask friends. But I can’t go with you to a Workshop like that.”

  “You have to!” said Ray, his face flushing.

  “No, I don’t,” said Ashley, rushing off to the dressing room to get her things.

  “It will work for you Ashley! I promise!” Ray called out after her. “Guys will flock to you in droves after that, they won’t be able to leave you alone!”

  “I’m not going,” Ashley called back.

  “Why not?” Ray’s voice echoed.

  “I’m just not that desperate,” said Ashley, grabbing her bag, wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible and get dressed for her birthday brunch.


  Of course Ray meant well and Ashley knew it as she drove back to her apartment, slowly. The shock of losing his studio so quickly was unhinging him and he was getting carried away. As she drove she opened the car windows, let in the warm breezes and rolled her conversation with Ray over in her mind. One thing he said particularly struck her—that she shouldn’t judge people before she knew them. Ray was right about that. It was a failing of hers and she recognized it. Ashley always tended to play it safe, stay in her group, and not venture out of her comfort zone. It was a family trait that she never admired. Her parents had spent their entire lives at the same country club, socializing with their carefully chosen groups of friends. It was suffocating and Ashley realized it. And here she was acting the same way.

  At least Ashley was more adventurous than her family. She’d moved out of San Francisco, taken her own apartment in Santa Monica, became a graphic artist, and had a wide assortment of new friends, along with some she’d grown up with at home. True, her relationships with guys was now faltering, but were things as bad as Ray seemed to think? Did she really need something so radical, to go to a workshop like that? The thought of it horrified her.

  As soon as she got to her apartment and walked in, the musical sounds of her cell phone rang out.

  “I hope I didn’t completely unnerve you,” it was Ray.

  “Not completely,” said Ashley, but somewhat.

  He laughed. “I’m sorry I got carried away. You’re fine. You’re perfect, you don’t have to worry about anything. I just got excited because I’m registered for the workshop and I thought it would be fun for you to come along. It certainly would kick start your love life.”

  Ashley smiled. He was such a dear person and friend. She was lucky to have met him.

  “Not at all,” said Ashley, “in fact, I appreciate how much you care.”

  “I do care,” said Ray. “You’re a terrific person. I see that light shining through you.”

  Ashley flushed. “Thank you, Ray, it shines right through you as well.”

  “You left so quickly,” he said.

  “Please don’t take it the wrong way,” said Ashley, “I’ve just got to get to a birthday brunch in a few hours for someone I know who is turning thirty today.”

  “Really?” said Ray, “who?”

  “Me,” said Ashley, a strained smile on her face.

  “Wow, happy birthday, Ashley,” he whistled under his breath. “I really hope this year brings you all you truly want

  Ashley quickly showered and changed into a lime silk dress with patterned sequins around the color, matching silk shoes and a small sequenced bag. She put on lovely pearl earrings and the water pearl necklace her parents had sent for her birthday. When she looked in the mirror a willowy, flawless looking blonde looked back. There was nothing at all to show the growing loneliness and heartache she carried inside. But this was certainly not the time to give into sadness. Ashley decided to take Ray’s warm birthday wishes with her down to the restaurant, which was right on the water, with a large outdoor patio overlooking the beach.

  Ashley arrived at the restaurant about five minutes late, and went out back to the patio where her friends had gathered, talking and laughing to each other. All together they looked like a perfect snapshot of elegance and success. The brunch had been called just for girlfriends, and they were all dressed to the hilt, the sun sparkling down on them as if they were jewels about to be strung on the same necklace. The aqua blue sky above and sound of the water lapping against the patio’s edge, gave the feeling that all was well with the world and always would be.

  A waiter serving hor’ doerves circulated, offering some to each one of them. His tray was filled with little hot dogs, fish, cheese on skewers.

  Shane, one of Ashley’s oldest friends, came up to Ashley the moment she arrived and gave her a big hug.

  “The day couldn’t be more beautiful,” Shane said, “happy birthday.” Shane had long dirty blonde hair, was also dressed in green, and she and Ashley could easily have been taken for sisters. Ashley thought Shane looked particularly glowing today.

  Shane and Ashley grew up together in San Francisco and thankfully Shane had moved to Santa Monica, and they’d been able to stay close. Shane worked in publishing children’s books and fell in easily with life down here. Doug, the guy she’d been dating for years had soon moved down to work close by as well.

  Before Ashley could say a word to Shane, Jessica came rushing over and joined them.

  “Happy Birthday, darling,” Jessica said. “I arranged every detail of the brunch and I hope you really love it, including the wine and desert.”

  “I already do, Ashley breathed. “Thank you so much, Jess.”

  Almost as soon as they’d met, a few years ago, Jessica declared that she and Ashley were best friends. Jessica was a little shorter than Ashley, with dark brown hair, dark eyes, intense dimples, and a perfect smile. She called all the time, scheduled outings and insisted upon hearing every detail of what went on in Ashley’s life. In the beginning it was endearing to Ashley, now it definitely wasn’t, but Ashley was still grateful for Jessica’s friendship, even today.

  “I heard it’s going to be a very exciting, unusual party today,” Jessica breathed. “There are all kinds of things going on, we’re going to have lots of wonderful surprises.”

  “Really?” Ashley felt curious. Nothing happened that Jessica didn’t get wind of. She ran her own custom dress business, lived with laser like focus and never let a detail pass unattended. Naturally, Jessica was hugely successful, which gave her a power and command that she used freely and enjoyed. The only area she didn’t seem concerned with was her love life. She’d been dating Winn, a lawyer, forever but didn’t seem to feel any pressure for the relationship to go anywhere. It’s almost a side show, Jessica once told Ashley, who was taken aback.

  Just at that moment, two other friends, Kate and Heather came over to extend birthday wishes. Kate, had straight dark hair, was a private investigator, engaged to the owner of the firm, Anthony. Heather ran a ballroom dancing studio in town, where she personally gave dance lessons. Beautiful, with rich auburn hair, Heather was one of the few gals in their group who enjoyed being single, and made no bones about it. She loved dancing with the handsome strangers who turned up at her studio.

  “How’s it going with Brad?” Kate nestled over to Ashley now, tossing her a long glance.

  “Fine,” said Ashley casually, not wanting to get into details right then.

  “Fine, really?” Kate asked in a sly tone.

  “Why not?” Jessica became nervous, “is something wrong?”

  The waiter stopped in front of Ashley with the platter of hor d’oeruves then, giving Kate a perfect change to pull Jessica to the side. Ashley watched the two of them huddle together as she took little hot dogs and put them on a fine china plate.

  “What’s wrong? Tell me,” Jessica demanded of Kate.

  Ashley realized that Jessica probably had no idea that she could hear every word Jessica was saying.

  Neither did Kate. She responded in a loud whisper, the kind that razed through the breeze. Whisper or not, her words drifted right to Ashley.

  “Don’t say a thing to Ashley,” Kate spoke hurriedly, “but Heather told me that Brad showed up at her ballroom dancing studio with another woman two days ago!”

  “Another woman!” Jessica echoed.

  “She was hot and Brad was into it,” Heather went on. “They danced for a long, long time. Obviously the jerk’s seeing someone.”

  “I never liked that guy anyway,” Jessica growled, “and I told it to Ashley.”

  “Disgusting,” said Kate, “to flaunt it in front of Ashley’s friend. There are all kinds of creeps out there drifting around.”

  Ashley’s blood grew cold, remembering that Ray had just said the same thing.

  “Don’t tell Ashley on her birthday,” Jessica insisted.

  “I’m not saying anything,” Kate sounded uppity. “But it’s all got to come out sooner or later. And, the sooner the better!”

  “Absolutely,” Jessica agreed vehemently. “Who needs to prolong the suffering in love?”

  Ashley’s stomach dropped as she realized that there was nowhere to hide. Her friends knew everything that was going on in her life. What could they be thinking of her?

  Waiters came around with glasses of champagne and everyone took a glass, drifted over their seats at the table, and then lifted their glasses to Ashley.

  Jessica stepped forward and offered the toast.

  “To a friend we all love and hold dear to our hearts and always will. Happy Birthday, Darling!”

  “Happy Birthday,” everyone echoed, clinking their glasses with one another and drinking.

  Ashley gulped her drink down quickly and reached for another, fast.

  Then Shane stood up, her eyes shining. “I have an announcement to make,” she said. “And what better time or place to make it then now?”

  All eyes turned to her brightly.

  “Doug and I are engaged!”

  A moment of silence and then the champagne glasses were lifted again.

  “Congratulations,” one voice called out after another, as friends got up to flock around her now.

  “I can’t believe it,” said Heather! “Good for you! Way you go!”

  More news,” Jessica stood up, taking control of the excitement. All eyes then turned to her. “Robyn can’t be here today, and guess why?”

  Not a sound could be heard.

  “She’s doubled over, throwing up.”

  The silence deepened.

  “Morning sickness, she’s pregnant!” Jessica laughed.

  “Oh my God,” everyone let out another cheer. “Robyn’s expecting!”

  “You’ve brought us incredible good fortune, Ashley,” Shane said coming over to hug her. “All of this wonderful news on your birthday.”

  Ashley hugged Shane back whole heartedly. She was thrilled for her. Shane had always wanted to have a spring engagement. Ashley wanted to Shane to be happy, and yet amidst the laughter and hugs, a sense of loss gripped her. Another one gone, one of her oldest friends was joining the ranks of the married and would be lost to her now. Not exactly lost, but it definitely would be different. That, and Robyn pregnant as well, It was a lot to take in. Robyn’s wedding had only been a year ago.

  “Time marches on,” Shane murmured, and Ashley agreed.

  “Have you set the date, Shane?” H
eather called out, bubbly and delighted.

  “A year from June,” Shane’s voice grew shrill, “a destination wedding on the Isle of Capri!”

  The isle of Capri! Ashley had always wanted to visit Capri. Well, she’d have her chance to go now, next year, as a bridesmaid.

  The girls got up from their seats, milled back and forth, talking with one another, bubbling over with the exciting news. Ashley tried to join them, but couldn’t as the knot in her stomach grew tighter and tighter. Finally, almost curled over, she excused herself, ran to the ladies room, and on the way, sent a text to Ray,

  About the workshop next weekend…Room for one more?


  The workshop, which was completely full, was being held downtown, in the middle of Santa Monica, at the Grand Marriott Hotel. It was scheduled to start at nine o’clock sharp Saturday morning and going until Sunday at five p.m. Ray was thrilled that Ashley had come to her senses and changed her mind so fast. By the middle of the week, there wasn’t a seat in the house left to be had.

  Saturday arrived and Ashley took a deep breath as she got ready. She pulled on a pair of old jeans, her favorite burgundy T shirt and threw a short navy sweater over her shoulders. Then she grabbed an oversized, slouchy grey bag, stuffed with makeup, pens, tissues and her I pad. This had to be the craziest thing she’d ever done, but it was the shock of Shane’s engagement that made her agree. All week long Ashley debated with herself about going, but Ray was so happy and excited to have her coming along that she didn’t have the heart to change her mind. I’ll go as a spectator, she told herself, who says I actually have to join in?

  When Jessica called mid-week, asking what Ashley was doing that weekend, Ashley covered up her plans quickly.

  “A long, work weekend,” Ashley said without pausing. “I’ll probably be in the office both days.”

  “That’s unusual, isn’t it?” Jessica probed, “You never work all weekend.”

  Of course Ashley knew that Jessica realized she was covering up what happened with Brad. But Ashley was determined not to say another word about it.